
SMART Goals Part 4 - Relevant!

Posted by Zachary Leonard on 2nd Aug 2023

We're going through the SMART goals, a well-known pattern for success and goal setting for over 40 years.

SMART stands for






Today's topic is creating a relevant goal.

Relevancy is, well, relative. It's more a question of priorities.

Our example is deadlifting 400lbs for 5 reps. We've set a specific, measurable goal, and we've gone to the chiropractor to make sure there are no slipped disks. Great!

Next filter: Is this a relevant goal? This depends on YOU. If you have set other goals in your life requiring your presence on, say, a 70+ hour/wk jobsite for an extended period of time, then that project's completion may need to be your priority for a time. Legimately speaking, your family is important, your work is important, and your spiritual life is important. Don't shortcut people who rely on you for vanity. But your health is important too.

So if you want to be strong, and you have or can get access to a barbell and weights then why not set the goal and get deadlifting??? 

Deadlifting helps your whole body get stronger and build muscle. It is pretty simple. It requires a barbell, weight plates, and a platform or flat space of some kind to lift on.

So the answer to our question is: find time, find money, and find a barbell, because we are on our way to deadlifting 400lbs for 5!

Until next time...